[EDQM] Equine influenza subtype 2 European-like/Newmarket/2/93 h a BRP

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[EDQM] Equine influenza subtype 2 European-like/Newmarket/2/93 h a BRP

[EDQM] Products

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[EDQM] Equine influenza subtype 2 European-like/Newmarket/2/93 h a BRP


Product Detailed:

Catalogue Code E0850022
Name Equine influenza subtype 2 European-like/Newmarket/2/93 h a BRP
Current batch number 2
Unit quantity per vial 1 MG
Number of vials per sales unit 3
Storage conditions
  • Store the original container at -20°C ± 5°C, protected from light upon receipt.
  • Do not store at lower temperatures to avoid deterioration of the rubber stoppers.
  • Once opened, the vial/ampoule is for immediate use and the stability of the contents of opened vials or ampoules cannot be guaranteed.
  • Please note that due to its stability profile this material may be shipped at ambient temperature however it should be stored at -20°C upon receipt.
Dispatching conditions Ambient temp.
Shipping Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and no dangerous, should be stored at -20°C upon receipt
Availability Available
Safety Biological preparation for laboratory use only. Handle in accordance with good occupational hygiene, safety and laboratory practices and take precautions to avoid exposure.

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